How we work

The Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (USP/ESALQ), located in Piracicaba, São Paulo, is one of the 42 academic units of the University of São Paulo (USP). USP/ESALQ´s administration is carried out by the following boards: Senate, Managing Technical Council (CTA), Dean`s Office, and Managing Committees for: Undergraduate Programs (CG), Graduate Programs (CPG), Research (CP) and Culture and Extension (CCEx).

The Senate is the highest advisory and deliberative board and is comprised of the Dean (its President), the Deputy Dean, Presidents of the Managing Committees mentioned above, Department Heads, representatives of all faculty categories, students, alumni and staff. The CTA is comprised of the Dean, the Deputy Dean, Departments Heads, Presidents of the Managing Committees, and one representative of each, students and staff.

The Dean´s Office is in charge of USP/ESALQ´s core managing activities, which are carried out by the Dean and his occasional substitute, the Deputy Dean. Technical and administrative boards report to the Dean: Academic Technical   Assistance(Undergraduate, Graduate, Culture and Extension, Research Services, International Office), Financial Technical Assistance, Administrative Technical Assistance, Communications Office, Library Division, Experimental Field-Station Services, Accounting Services, Environmental and Chemical Residue Management Services, Technical Section for Institutional Support and Technical Section of Informatics, plus the 12 Departments.


Picture by Roberto Amaral