Other Information

1) The flight ticket is not offered.
2) The student will be evaluated in the program:

To comply with the credit requirement: 70% of attendance and grade > 7.0. The student will be evaluated by presence, interaction and by a presentation prepared in a group about the theme provided by the coordinators.

We will provide a transcript with the program with a total of hours and grade.

For Brazilian and International students, the transcript may apply to credit evaluation according to the home university’s rules.

3) Internet access:

Throught EDUROAM or visitor login and password.

4) Visa Information:

Once accepted to Special Program on Tropical Bio-based Production Systems, the Esalq/USP will send you the Acceptance Letter, which is necessary for the visa (VIVIS, Study - time less than 90 days), to be requested form the Brazilian diplomatic representation by the student in his/her home country.